Monday, 30 June 2014

Open Access Communicating and Collaborating

Last week was full of OA events and discussions. All the OA pathfinder projects (2 via Skype) met up in London to introduce our projects to each other. We all took part in a 'speed dating exercise' where we identified any common threads  between projects and opportunities for sharing and jointly communicating. We thought that  the Coventry and Northumbria projects were the most interesting from our perspective, maybe because they are similar universities to us.

Open Access Button

This JISC student project caught my eye last week. It a button which you press every time you come across a paywall whilst researching a subject. So the first phase is geographically mapping requests for open access and the next phase which is the part that really interests me where pressing the Open Access button activates a search for an open access version of the paper. As Nick Sheppard form Leeds Met. recently expressed in a email, this could be a powerful advocacy tool for the green OA.
What do others think about this?

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